Sales and Marketing, two departments that are inextricably linked at many companies, but are strangers for each other at other in other companies. Fortunately, more and more organisations are starting to realise that a marketing function is not a job that can be added in between.
Even more important is the realisation that sales and marketing are two sides of the same coin and one cannot exist without the other.

One strong team
The closer the sales and marketing departments work together, the greater the chances of success in your business. After all, the goal of both departments is the same: to ensure revenue, added value for the customer and ultimately satisfied customers.
Marketing ensures that people get to know your company and are consequently triggered to become a customer or partner, but it is up to the sales department to help shape the decision-making process with this potential customer and convince them of your added value so that a purchase is ultimately made. Even more important, is the feedback from sales to marketing. They know best what the customer expects and what they need and this in turn allows the marketing department to adjust all actions so that they are more effective.
Customer loyalty and creating trust have also become indispensable in recent years. This can only be achieved efficiently if both departments work together. So definitely consider after-sales as well. Sit down with both teams and see how you can excel with this.

5 tips for efficient collaboration
- Organise a monthly/quarterly meeting with both the sales and marketing departments to discuss ideas and present new actions. During this meeting, define the sales and marketingstrategy and align them.
- As a marketer, visit a customer or prospect once in a while. That way you will get to know the needs even better.
- Work together on the content calendar to combine ideas. Why? Marketing knows which channels work best, but the sales department knows the customer and knows what is on their mind, what concerns they have and what they are satisfied with.
- Communicate with each other! Are the results of marketing campaigns not as good as you had hoped? Discuss with sales what could have caused this. As sales, do you have comments or notice customer concerns? Then link these back to marketing.
- Don't be afraid to give each other constructive criticism or tips. Together, you are stronger. You cannot know everything and neither can your colleagues, so combine your expertise and knowledge to achieve a perfect result. Or at least as good as possible, because perfection does not exist and adjustments will always be needed in the long run.
The aim of a strong link between sales and marketing is to best respond to customer needs, generating more sales and at the same time greater added value for everyone. Open communication is the key to success here!
Pitch Perfect offers both <a href=" and can therefore be the ideal partner to brainstorm about this. Rather looking for internal training for your employees? We can help you with that too!
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